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On our 1991 trip, we stayed at the "Hotel-Ristorante-Discoteca Fior di Sardegna" located south of Posada on the road to La Caletta. Our friend Giovanni was a part owner/manager at the time. We had a small semi-detached cabin for sleeping and we had meals in the restaurant at the center of the complex. The photo above is the entrance from the road. Below left is our unit. Below right is the guest garden.





Above right is the roof deck of the restaurant. Giovanni had to make a special purchase of the American flag for my presence since they'd never before had a guest from America.

The Fior caters primarily to groups. While we were in residence, a group of in-patients from a mental hospital was there on their government-paid two-week vacation, complete with attendants and psychiatrists. We had a fun time at meals trying to guess which were patients and which were psychiatric workers.

The food and lodging were excellent in spite of the lack of a working air-conditioner. 

Giovanni has since retired from the business and a large multi-national conglomerate now runs the Fior.




When we returned in 1999, the Fior di Sardegna was booked solid with groups of unemployed east Germans on tour at the expense of the government of reunified Germany which apparently was using this as a means to lower their unemployment count. Giovanni booked us into the Donatella, a hotel-restaurant located at the southern outskirts of Posada. The room was much nicer and had air-conditioning. Since our visit coincided with the heat-wave of the century in Europe, this was a most welcome amenity.

The photo above is the entrance to Donatella. Below left is a view from the patio table where I spent the afternoons reading and drinking iced Campari. Below right is the central garden from our room door.




Above left is the indoor dining room. The door on the left leads to the salad bar area. Typical lunches and dinners included a self-serve on antipasto, an entrée and a pasta dish served, wine and/or water, cheese and fruit, and a dessert with espresso. Quantities unlimited. Above right is Antonio, our most excellent waiter, who was assigned to us because he claimed to know some English. Luckily, he knew enough German that we got it through that way.




Some of the photo pages have Sardinian MIDI music clips attached. This music is used with the generous permission of the composer Mr. Carlo Maccioni of Cagliari, Sardinia.  Carlo has an award-winning web site with pictures and information about his native Sardinia. To access his web site, click anywhere on this note. My thanks to him for allowing me the use of the MIDI clips.