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Sardinia can not be discussed without the subject of the Nuraghi.  These sentinel fortifications were built at some period of time between the 17th century BC and the 9th century BC. The builders of these stone structures came to Sardinia as one of the major perennial waves of immigration. Their origin is still a matter of conjecture, but many experts propose an original homeland in or near present-day Greece. This population is today referred to as the Nuragic Culture after their most enduring physical legacy.

It is estimated that over 30,000 nuraghi were built in Sardinia and that over 7000 of them remain in distinguishable form today. They vary widely in size and condition. Some are found singly, others in groups, and some with connecting tunnels or passageways.




At left above is the Nuraghe Santa Sabina in Nuoro province just west of Nuoro. The homonymous chapel on the right is, of course, of a much later period.




The height of this nuraghe is listed as 8.4 meters. A six foot tall American tourist (me) standing in front of it gives you a handy size comparison. The entrance to the nuraghe was blocked at the time I was there and I knew better than to try to find someone to let me in on a late Saturday afternoon. Besides, Santa Sabina is located 7 kilometers of rough gravel road away from the main highway and no other buildings were apparent.



Some of the photo pages have Sardinian MIDI music clips attached. This music is used with the generous permission of the composer Mr. Carlo Maccioni of Cagliari, Sardinia.  Carlo has an award-winning web site with pictures and information about his native Sardinia. To access his web site, click anywhere on this note. My thanks to him for allowing me the use of the MIDI clips.